
My Photo
Location: Doncaster, United Kingdom

I am a professional singer and teacher. I am part of an academy which teaches both singing and performing live.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

OH Britsh weather!!

Just when I was ready to burst into it all the weather stopped me in my tracks. I had planned for manure to be delivered late I know but it was meant well, I had planned to make new paths and my big tub of seeds are waiting. The weather has just turned arctic the ground is frozen solid and it is face numbing. I am a bit of a wimp when it comes to the cold. It is also thick with fog. I intend to move abroad to join my dear best friend when I am older and I will grow outdoor melons. For now I will sit and wait, hopefully I wont get de motivated at least I know the weeds cant grow

Saturday, February 09, 2008

My Pics

Friday, February 08, 2008

I understand why people give up their plot!

Anyway I packed up a picnic took the kids and my sisters kid and the sun was shining, Hallelujia the weather was glorious....
The plot looked Ok better than I expected, strawberries still alive, asparagus dead and someone had broken into my shed AAAAARRRGGGH my lovely shed. Funniest thing they stole nothing and as they has bust the lock closed the door back up and put a brick there to stop the door flapping in the wind HA not so bad then just a broken lock.
I moved the strawberries into a permanent bed and low and behold the compost bin that has been eating my veg peelings all year had turned the sloppy smelly mess into brown crumbly compost with no smell. It was like a miracle I never believed that it would be like brown and dry and crumbly. I put it on two small beds and tidied up a bit.
The kids were really good and enjoyed it up there. I have got all my seeds together and feel ready to make a real go of it.
I have new neighbours with heavy machinery which is welcomed as the weeds surrounding me have halved now. I need a seat and a table to lunch on but I am very positive about the allotment again. Im so glad that I didnt give it up.
I feel fresh and exhausted from the digging although I nearly broke my wrist and bent my spade Ha. How hard was I working Eh. Anyway Im going to be a success this year and have some actual produce as 2007 was a disaster. Bring on the sunny nights as its been dark at 4pm here, I feel like today is the first day out of my hibernation